Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Here are my thoughts...

In case you couldn't tell, I'm new to all this techno-stuff. I was required to create a blog for an online course, so I created this one for my students to communicate with me. However, I am now being required to make posts on my blog about topics that are not directly related to communicating with my students, but rather the technology we're, here goes...

Wikis are strange beings...I was sickened today when I visited one wiki that was supposed to be geared for kids and some idiot had totally ruined it by filling it full of awful, vile language. I got physically ill and felt as though I needed a shower after just glancing at it. I believe in freedom of speech, but not freedom to spread garbage. I'm afraid I have a real problem with some "people" (and I use the term loosely) being given too much access and freedom to say what's on their sick minds.

I guess my question for today is (or is it my question for the week? I don't remember!):

Should the internet (wikis in particular) be monitored more closely, and idiots who use vile language online be tracked down and their mouths washed out with soap?

1 comment:

Vicky said...

I agree with you about there being accountability for those posting "inappropriate" content when a site is created for educational purposes. That is one of the things I know I will have to monitor when students use wikis in my library classes.