Monday, October 1, 2007

1 or 2?

It's Mrs. Ashe again! Today I have another question for you. Which is your favorite and why: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 1 or HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2?


Shelly said...

I have seen 1; but have not seen 2. I'll be interested to see the comments you receive to this. I got as wrapped up in HS Musical 1 as my daughters (one is 18, the other 19) did. Of course, I wasn't caught up in it because this one or that one are "hot". I thought it was an awesome idea and used some really neat scenes to display some of the things teens must go through daily. However--it isn't anything like what I remember as a high school student or high school teacher. But it did bring out the positives, the negatives and the emotional pulls that some teens must go through.

Crown said...

Looks cute. Haven't seen either High School Musical . . . have to get back to you.

Jewels said...

My 11 year old daughter (and yes, even my 5 year old son) is (are) completely obsessed with HSM. My daughter loves it for the obvious reasons (Zac Efron) and my son loves the first one because he is obsessed with basketball. :) I have not seen the 1st one in it's entirety but the weekend that the 2nd aired, our lives STOPPED. lol My husband even had to sit down to watch! We hated to admit it, but we loved it just as much as the kids did. Reminded us of "Grease" in a lot of ways. I am just thankful that there are "clean" shows and movies left out there that my kids can watch without being scarred for life.

Cathy Gilreath said...

Even though I am facilitating this online course, I am a newcomer myself with blogging- Looks good!
Haven't seen high school musical 1 or 2 so cannot help there-